Weight Lifting Equipment > Learning Center > Decline Bench Press

Decline Bench Press

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The decline bench press is a standard free weight exercise that works the chest, arms, and shoulders. Though these are the main muscles, other muscle groups like the neck and abs also gain from this standard motion. Though many people are familiar with the bench press by itself, this exercise uses a declined bench. This is as it sounds - a bench that is set at a slight angle. Users hook their legs on the edge of the bench to prevent sliding and in this way, the exercise can also help to develop the legs muscles.

Doing exercises on a declined bench creates a different environment in which muscles have to function. Weight shifts in a different way than a flat bench, and it requires more effort to balance. This creates more stress, but it's a good kind of stress. Increased demand on balance, improves the coordination of muscles and develops stabilizing muscles, which help to support the functioning of major muscle groups. This makes standard lifts and aerobic activities much easier than before. Even if it's a little weight, these motions can provide a great benefit.

The press can be done either with a barbell or dumbbells. If you are using a barbell, you'll need a spotter to keep you safe, as sudden muscle failure could cause a great amount of injury. Dumbbells require more balance and coordination because they must be lifted together in separate motions. These are perhaps of greater benefit, but they do require a little more practice than a barbell would. Nonetheless, the effort pays off in great results.

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