Competition kettlebells are specifically designed products to provide an even playing field for different competitors in national and international competition. Though, the kettlebell is basically a cannonball with a large handle attached to it, there is a lot of small differences between each model and some models are made for comfort and customization rather than the standardization that competition demands. Each country and association has their own regulations for the types of products that can be used, however, there is a general sense of what is acceptable to help people practice for different competitions.
Generally, these products are made of iron all around and are painted. Often they don't include the convenience of special comfort handles or of casing to prevent cracking. In this way they are more akin to the older models of product that would have been used in the past. Additionally, athletes that are focused on weight levels will want to do away with any possible additional weight that is often created by these sorts of creature comforts. These products come in various sizes for different types of motions and levels of competitors.
Training for competition is a fantastic way to improve physical fitness. Instead of just a generic goal of 'be healthy,' competition can help a person set reasonable and targeted goals that will drive the rest of their physical fitness. For anyone who is already interested in using these products, consider looking into the guidelines for competition to get an idea of the training methods and try them out and see how they fit with your current routine.
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